Midsummer’s Eve

Blessed is he who walks in the way of the light!

This has been the strangest spring ever.

I finally went to Ah-Di-Na today. I don’t get it. The whole thing couldn’t have been that built up just for me to have somewhere to hike to on the summer solstice. Another thing like the River Exchange to file away for later. It was a very beautiful hike and there was this Lion’s Pride volunteer group doing trail work on the PCT on the way to Ah-Di-Na road from Ash Camp. I drank a soda with some guy and chatted before I went on to Ah-Di-Na.

The reservoir was this impossible jade green, oh my God! When the sun was gone from the valley, it was as if the light came from everywhere, like.. home. I kept thinking, what a strange place to put our mirror, but on the way back I became more and more convinced that this is our mirror and the Golden Dreamer is bound to the lake as I am about to be bound to the river and Happy is from home too. Neira II on Earth at Lake McCLoud and Ah-Di-Na.

Also, I was thinking of Andy and how with this new 4D-ness that it’s like with Matt. He’s projecting himself here so it becomes as though he walks beside me and I let my mind drift and many times I find myself in the garden with him. I like it! I still misses him. I thought this morning that we will have to get a kitty when he comes out here. I won’t get one now because I am gone too much… I don’t know. 2 cats are normally better, but what if we got a cat that we both spoiled? And wouldn’t she be sad if we ever went away for the weekend? So it has to be a kitty that goes along with us everywhere. Maybe the cat is not such a good idea, but I miss Quinn! and I needs a new kitty. But before I get into what I am missing too much, I am so glad to be home! It feels so good! … to live in paradise!

Abundance paradigm: Yesterday there was a book of matches by the bird bath. Today I found a 10K gold chain wrapped around the cord to my curling iron (seriously!?! how?) and a flat head screwdriver on my hike. These are all things I have wished for at various points in the past. Plus I got a free soda which I didn’t think I was trying to manifest, and some more information about groups I probably want to connect up with.